7 Skills you need as a JavaScript Developer To get a job
Today we're going to talk about the top skills you need as a javascript developer in order to get a job.
React js a JavaScript Library. React Called as virtual dom.
The most basic way to think about it if you're on Instagram and you type in a comment it doesn't actually refresh there entire page. what it's doing is it's only refreshing that comment that's why it's so fast.
if you guys go to a bunch of apps like Instagram, Facebook you'll notice they don't actually refresh things happen in real time when you click stuff or when you post stuff the whole page doesn't refresh all of that is happening because of react has reusable components.
This is another big thing about why you should actually learn and use react what does it mean to have reusable components well in react when you develop you're actually building things and breaking them into separate components.
Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform, back-end JavaScript runtime environment that runs on the V8 engine and executes JavaScript code outside a web browser.
lets developers use JavaScript to write command line tools and for server-side scripting—running scripts server-side to produce dynamic web page content before the page is sent to the user's web browser.
Git is a essentially version control machine. git best thing is if you make mistakes it allows you to rewind in your app that you're making and go back.
Redux is hard to understand and understand right away. Redux can allow you to do this without refreshing and it can actually manage the entire state without ever having to go to another page or any kind of redirect and so state management is a very important skill to learn as JavaScript or feedback developer
But since redux is difficult to learn from a two-step approach, the first step is to learn something called context API and then go and learn redux.
If you want to add any kind of ecommerce functionality as a React developer you need to learn Redux.
Another skill that i want to kind of highlight here is you should learn TypeScript think about like react it allows you to write and react code but in a way where it is like more statically typed what that means is you're declaring your data types as you go along now it might sound annoying to want to do that but what's amazing about it is that your code becomes a lot more robust, stable way easier to read and you will make much less errors on top of that it's a skill a lot of people are looking for in a developer and they're willing to pay a much higher amount to work with somebody who understands and knows typescript
Firebase allows you to do everything. AWS allows you to do i've built tons of things with AWS and i've built a bunch of things with
- firebase so much easier to go with firebase.
- firebase is built by google.
anything you can do in AWS it's 100 times thousand times easier to do it in firebase definitely don't start with AWS you're gonna get into a nightmare with AWS.
It's amazing to be able to have a hybrid between a SQL and NOSQL database.
It scales so well it is so lightning fast and you can build the two-way functionality of like full CRUD functionality within minutes and it allows you to be in your code if you're coding in react or javascript with just a few lines of code it gives you full functionality to be able to add things to your firebase delete things from your firebase without having to like write full-on crazy MVC style programming creating routes all this crazy stuff it allows you to do it so fast you don't even need a back-end like node.js or anything like that to be able to interface with your firebase app.
Rest API's if you want to do any type of web development learn API's they're so powerful and almost every single application you're gonna try to build or use is going to require API's either that's going to require you to learn how to use API's so you can pull data from it and do stuff with it or people want you to build API's for them.
The world there's tons of functionality and use cases for how you can use API's , there are a bunch of different things happening here we're using API's to actually put it in the cloud and then we're using a get request so we're using the API and then we're send it as a text message on my phone guys that cannot happen without API's.
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