IOS documentation (auther : - kakshap Gavde )
iOS Documentation
IOS build run
project : -
1. Clone repository in vsCode
2. Go to project folder and do npm install
3. After successfully installation, go to iOS folder ie: cd
4. Do pod install
5. Now go to ios folder of project, there
must be <ProjectName>.xcworkspace folder.
6. Right click on <ProjectName>.xcworkspace =>
select option “reveal in finder” => double click to open (This will open
your project automatically in Xcode).
7. After Xcode is open you will see available devices on
which app can be run. Select one available device
8. Run project. (This will run app in selected simulator or real device).
To change build configuration options
1. Go to Product option in top
2. Select Scheme
3. Select Edit scheme
4. Go to Run option
5. Change build
Facing problems with pod: -
1. Clean the project build folder.
=> click on Clean Build Folder
2. Delete derived data folder.
=> Preferences => Locations => Derived data - click on arrow ‘->’ and then delete derived
data folder
3. Close Xcode
4. Delete node modules and close vscode ie: (if
required restart the system)
5. Open vscode
7. Run npm install
8. Run cd ios and pod install
9. Open <ProjectName>.xcworkspace file in
10. Run the project (by clicking on Run button).
Libraries integration: -
There is no need to manually link packages as now react
native auto link all packages.
But still if needs to manually link any package, follow
below steps-
To manually link libraries (If package is Not integrated
with project or Not linked with project)
1. Open
2. Go to
Libraries folder in left panel (Right click on it)
3. Select Add files to <ProjectName>
4. New popup will appear containing files inside iOS folder.
Just click on Options
5. Select <ProjectName>
6. Go to
node modules and find the package you
want to integrate
Inside that package, there must be <packagename>.xcodeproj file
Select that .xcodeproj file and click on Add
9. Now you will see that <packagename.xcodeproj> is
added in Libraries folder on left panel
10. Go
to that package, you will see one Products folder(This will contain one <packagename>.a
ie: Libraries =>
<packagename>.xcodeproj => Products => <packagename>.a file
<packagename>.a file is
statically linked library file which needs to be linked
11. Now
go to projects Build Phases section
12. Open Link Binary With Libraries.
13. Drag and drop that .a file into
‘Link Binary with Libraries’
Click on the
“+” under “Link Binary with Libraries” to add that statically linked library file ie: <packagename>.a
Navigate to the static library file (. a) and
add it
14. If In case file is not found then do “npm
install” and “pod install” => again follow the same steps above
Creating .ipa file (To build app and use it on real
device): -
Make sure you haven’t selected any specific simulator (If
selected then it will not allow Archive option under Product tab)
if any simulator (select option “any iOS device”)
1. Go to
Product option in top menu
2. Clean
build folder
3. Go to
Product and select Build
4. Go to
Product and select Archive
5. After successfully Archive then click the Distribute
App button on right
6. Select Development (Distribute to members of
your team) (Select App
Store Connect incase of distributing app to TestFlight and App Store)
Development distribution options window will be open
In App Thinning option select All
compatible device variants
8. Signing screen will be shown
Select Automatically manage
Select Export
10. Select your location where you need to save .ipa file
(You can also change name of .ipa file if you
Select Export
12.Go to your selected folder
directory location (.ipa file is available to share)
Creating Certificates,Identifiers & Profiles:-
1. Go to
2. Click on Account section in header menu
3. Login with apple credentials (Sign in with apple
4. Open Certificates,Identifiers & Profiles
from left panel
5. Click
on Certificates “+” icon
Create a new certificate page will open, Select iOS App Development
7. Click on Continue
Upload a Certificate Signing Request file
For this we will first need to
create certificate signing request
a. Go to Keychain Access from
your launchpad (MacBook)
b. Click on Keychain Access from top
c. Select Certificate Assistant
d. Select Request a Certificate
From a Certificate Authority
e. Certificate information popup
will open, enter Email address and select Saved to disk
f. Click on Continue and
select the folder where you want to save certificate locally
g. Certificate is available in your
selected folder (It is ready to upload)
9. After uploading the above created
certificate, click Continue
10. Now
your certificate is created which can be downloaded
5. Click
on Identifiers “+” icon
Register a New Identifier page will open, Select App IDs
7. Select Capability (If are added in your app eg-
Sign in with apple, Push notification, etc)
8. Click
on Continue
Register an App ID page will open, Add description for your app
And also add Bundle ID (eg:
Click on Continue
Click on Register
Bundle identifier is created
5. Click
on Profiles “+” icon
Generate a Provisioning Profile page will open, Select Ad Hoc or App Store
Ad Hoc- Create a distribution
provisioning profile to install your app on a limited number of registered devices
App Store- Create a distribution
provisioning profile to submit your app to the App Store
7. Click
on Continue
Select App Id
9. Click
on Continue
Select Certificate
Click on Continue
12. Add
Provisioning Profile Name (any unique name)
Click on Generate
Provisioning Profile is created
5. Click
on Devices “+” icon or Register a Device
6. Enter
Device name
7. Enter
Device Id (UDID)
Your UDID is a unique identifier that Apple uses to associate a device to an iOS developer account
so that developers can install
and test their apps before releasing them
8. Click
on Continue
9. Click
on Register
10. Device is added
Issue and Solution: -
1.For double-conversion/double-conversion.h file not
found issue -
2. library not found for -lDoubleConversion
3. While updating pod always delete pod.lock first to
avoid ambiguity.
4. To make version specific changes add version no. to
pod file along with the pod.lock.
Helpful links: -
4. (push notification iOS integration)documentation
should be followed strictly
12 : DatapickerIOs
VAlue is no defined it was introduce in iphone 12
pod > change iphone targets for all pods less than 12 to 12 in xcode Link
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